Create a Dream Board

When was the last time you focused on things you dream about for your life?

This is a perfect time to create a Dream Board which is a fun and powerful way to reach and maintain your goals! Grab a piece of poster board and some magazines and dream away. Why you ask?

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you have imagined.” Henry David Thoreau

 Three things you need to know about Dream Boards

1. The Law of Attraction and accessing the power of your subconscious mind are KEY to manifesting what you want

2. Your mind works like a magnet

3. How To make a Dream Board

The Law of Attraction and Reprogramming your Subconscious Mind are KEY to manifesting what you want to attract into your life from losing weight, creating vibrant health, happiness and success. Creating a Dream Board is a fun, easy and powerful method for manifesting your goals and dreams into reality. It is the perfect tool to help you “go confidently in the direction of your dreams.”

Your mind works like a magnet

Whatever energy you radiate and send out with your thoughts and feelings is what you attract into your life. Your Dream Board deepens positive images in your mind and sends a powerful signal to both the universe and your subconscious mind exactly what you want to manifest. Our minds are the most magnificent computers on the face of the planet, so let’s program them for success, joy, happiness and reaching our goals!

How to Make a Dream Board:

Encompass all areas of your life on one board or create themed Dream Boards such as summertime, business, retirement etc. You can dive right in or start with some brainstorming. Think, feel, imagine the life that we want to create. Then simply start cutting out words and pictures from magazines that represent what you want in your life and how you want to look and feel. Cut out pictures that represent success, health, happiness, relaxation, vibrant energy, healthy foods, exercise, etc. You can even cut out a picture of a healthy, fit person that you can relate to and paste a picture of your own head on it. A picture is worth a thousand words, and to the subconscious mind, images are fuel for change – it’s how the subconscious learns. Paste your valuable pictures and words on a board that you can look at each day to connect visually to what you are manifesting in your life.

So make your own personal Dream Board and display it where you can look at it every day, morning and night, to keep your mind and body focused on what you are manifesting in your life “going confidently in the direction of your dreams“. Have a wonderful time “living the life of your dreams!”

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