
How to Reduce Stress
Introduction Welcome! As a clinical hypnotherapist who has worked with hundreds of clients and spoken with thousands of audience members through speaking engagements, I’ve encountered a range of questions and concerns. Many individuals seek hypnotherapy to help with prevalent issues like anxiety, depression, and addiction, but often, there’s a degree of uncertainty or confusion about...
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Have you ever had a run in with a porcupine? I have and it wasn’t very pretty. At one time or another we all have to deal with difficult people. You know the type? They take opportunities to dig or stab or criticize, often followed by a laugh thinking that is helps their toxic medicine...
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It’s family fun time! You anticipate and prepare, you gather and have a great time, then it’s over and inevitably as loved ones part ways we may say things like “Oh no, we forgot to  ______” or “We never _____” or “We ran out of time to ______”. How fun is that? There’s a simple...
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